The Nebraska Early Development Network

provides early intervention services for families with children birth to age three with developmental delays and/or health care needs and connects families to needed services.

If you have concerns about your child's development and would like to send a referral use the button below.


Did you Know


The EDN Co-Lead agencies are seeking new members on the
Results Driven Accountability Stakeholders group! 

Join the RDA Stakeholders Group

RDA Stakeholder Meetings

Information for Families


family together on the floor

You may have noticed some delays in your child's development
over the past couple of years during the Covid pandemic. 

This document may help in answering some questions you may
have and provides six actions that you can take today.


Nebraska Association for Infant Mental Health

screen shot of Staying On Track app on an iPhone

Staying on Track as Your Child Grows and Learns

Guidelines to help parents and professionals determine how a child’s development compares with most children their age

Learn more about developmental milestones