The Early Childhood Training Center provides the state leadership for the Early Learning Connection, Nebraska's early childhood professional development system.
Learning objectives for the Services Coordination Online Training include learning about Part C of the IDEA and applicable state regulations; understanding how early intervention for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families is implemented in Nebraska; and understanding a Services Coordinator’s role within the Nebraska Early Development Network.  
The EDN Co-Leads are pleased to announce a series of five webinars and community discussions.
This online training is focused on providing information and resources that all home visitors can use. It will provide you with the foundation of working with parents in the home and will guide you in the basics of communication, family systems, coaching, and the principles of home visitation. You will be required to login to access the online training.
A self-paced tutorial designed to help Nebraska parents and professionals create better Individual Family Service Plans (IFSPs) for young children with disabilities
By the time you complete your first 6 months on the job, you should be able to understand the following topics, at least at a level of feeling familiar and comfortable in team meetings and interactions with colleagues and families.
Materials, documents, and links related to Services Coordination Training:
Special Care was brought to Nebraska through a coordinated effort of the Nebraska Department of Education and Health and Human Services. The goal is to train childcare providers across the state.
This is a free online training for EDN professionals to assist them in their court involved CAPTA cases. You will receive a certificate of completion at the end. Total training duration: 3 hours