Enable Savings Plan
What is the Enable Savings Plan? The Enable Savings Plan is the result of the Achieving a Better Life Experience Act (ABLE) passed by the Nebraska Legislature in 2015. The law allows Nebraskans with certain disabilities to create tax-advantaged ABLE savings accounts to pay for qualified disability-related expenses. The Nebraska legislation followed the federal ABLE Act passed by Congress in 2014.
Who manages the Enable Savings Plan? The Enable Savings Plan is sponsored by the State of Nebraska and administered by the Nebraska State Treasurer. Nebraska State Treasurer Don Stenberg is Trustee of the plan, and First National Bank of Omaha is Program Administrator. The plan is to be used to save for qualified disability expenses, pursuant to the ABLE Act of 2014 and Section 529A of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Investment decisions are made by the account owner or his or her legal representative.
How do I know if I qualify to open an Enable Savings account? An eligible individual of any age — child, youth, or adult – can open an ABLE account at any time if the disability exists at the time the account is opened and if the onset of the disability was before the individual’s 26th birthday. A disability benefits advisor at your local Social Security or Medicaid office or an advocate or medical provider can help you determine if you are eligible. Specifically, an eligible individual is a person who is blind or disabled before age 26 and is entitled to Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Supplemental Security Disability Income (SSDI). Or, an individual must have a physician certification indicating that he or she has a marked or severe functional limitation diagnosed before age 26, which is expected to result in death or has lasted or may last for a continuous period of not less than 12 months.
What counts as a Qualified Disability-Related Expense? To be qualified, an expense must have occurred while the account owner is eligible and must relate to the individual’s disability experience. Qualified disability expenses include basic living expenses and expenses that enhance a person’s quality of life. Examples include, but are not limited to, expenses related to the following:
- Education: Tuition (preschool through post-secondary), books, and supplies
- Housing: Rent, mortgage, utilities, and repairs
- Transportation: Mass transit, vehicle modifications
- Employment training and support
- Assistive technology and related services
- Personal support services
- Health, prevention and wellness: Medical, dental, vision, mental health, medical equipment, rehabilitation, and long-term services
- Financial management and administrative services
- Legal fees
- Oversight and monitoring
- Funeral and burial expenses
How do I get additional information? You may call Stacy Pfeifer, Assistant State Treasurer, in the Nebraska State Treasurer’s Office, at 402-540-3134. Or you may contact the Enable call center at 1-844-ENABLE4. You may email for information at clientservices@enablesavings.com. The Enable website can be accessed at www.enablesavings.com/ and the Treasurer’s website can be accessed at https://treasurer.nebraska.gov/