Reviewing Progress from Previous Visit
Provider GUIDE Scenario – Review Child Progress Since Last Visit Using Previous Home Visit Plan
The transition into the Main Agenda of the Provider GUIDE (see below) is meant to promote a discussion between the provider and the parent as to:
- Progress made since the last visit (including routines and skills), based on the previous Home Visit Plan;
- Strategies that worked or did not work;
- Measurement of progress as compared to the previously selected IFSP outcome (which could include the “mini-goal” that is part of the previous Home Visit Plan).
GUIDE - Ongoing
II. Main Agenda
- Using the previous Home Visit Plan, discuss with parent if not addressed in opening or provide recap:
- child’s progress (include routines and skills) since the last visit specific to the IFSP outcome addressed.
- what strategies worked and/or what did not work based on parent observation of the child within routines. This could include demonstration by the parent.
- measurement of the selected outcome(s).
- Consider the IFSP outcome(s) to be addressed at this visit*:
- Continue with the same IFSP outcome OR
- Select another IFSP outcome.
*If priority does not match a current IFSP outcome, determine if new IFSP outcome will be needed or if priority can be addressed in limited visits.
The video clip represents an actual home visit and shows only the above GUIDE component, including the dark bullets and the hollow bullets beneath: discussion of progress and selection of the IFSP outcome for the current visit. The provider and the parent are in discussion related to the IFSP outcome of (outcome included with clip):