Overview of the Annual Performance Report Development:

The State Annual Performance Report is to be submitted annually in accordance with the 20 U.S.C. 1416(b)(2)(c)(ii)(ll) and 1442.  The State is required to provide a description of the process the State used to develop the APR.  The descriptions must include how and when the State will report annually to the public on (1) the State’s progress and/or slippage in meeting the measurable and rigorous targets found in the State Performance Plan (SPP); and (2) the performance of each local educational agency located in the State on the targets in the SPP.

View Annual Performance Reports:
Note: Beginning in 2020, the State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) is included in the Annual Performance Report (APR)

2022 ('22-'23)

2021 ('21-'22)

2020 ('20-'21)

2019 ('19-'20)

2018 ('18-'19)

2017 ('17-'18)

2016 ('16-'17)

2015 ('15-'16)

2014 ('14-'15)

2013 ('13-'14)

2012 ('12-'13)

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