RDA Update
Part C Results Driven Accountability (RDA) -- Update March 2016
In 2014, the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) added a new indicator to the SPP/APR. Indicator C11 required states to develop a State Systematic Improvement Plan (SSIP) by April 1, 2015. The plan, which is to span 5 years, must identify one or more state identified measureable result(s) (SIMRs) and one or more coherent improvement strategies that will positively impact the SIMR.
Nebraska’s SIMR is: Increase the number and percentage of infants and toddlers who demonstrate progress in the acquisition and use of knowledge and skills (including early language/communication) 3B, Summary Statement 1.
3 improvement strategies
- Implementation of the Routines Based Interview (RBI) as the recommended child and family assessment process;
- Development of meaningful and measurable child and family outcomes using information obtained from the RBI, and
- Implementation of quality routines-based home visits.
Phase II Review
Implementation of evidence-based practice (EBP’s) and the evaluation of the impact on the SIMR.
Phase II Components in Process
Support for PRT-wide implementation of evidence based practices
- RDA training on the RBI and functional outcomes began during the summer of 2014 with the identification of Cohort 1, comprised of PRT 1 (Wakefield), PRT 22 (Westside), and PRT 27 (North Platte). Cohort 1 is at full implementation of the RBI (all families receive the RBI as their child/family assessment) and is now focused on the development of functional child/family outcomes. Quality home visit training for Cohort 1 is tentatively scheduled for 2017.
- RDA training on the RBI and functional outcomes continued during the summer of 2015 with the identification of Cohort 2, comprised of PRT 4 (Auburn), PRT 18 (Lincoln Public), PRT 19 (Omaha Public) and PRT 21 (Millard). It is expected that Cohort 2 will be at full implementation of the RBI by November, 2016. They will then begin to focus on the development of functional child and family outcomes. Quality home visit training for Cohort 2 is also tentatively scheduled for 2017.
- PRT Targeted Improvement Plans (TIP) - 28 of 29 PRTs identified at least 1 of the 3 strategies for their PRT wide focus.
- EI Process document developed
Improve Infrastructure
- Added 4 regional TA providers to support PRT implementation: RBEI TA Providers Map
- Implementation fidelity: RBI and IFSP quality outcome checklists collected yearly
- Annual Family Survey: Increase rate or return and family satisfaction
- Results Matter – GOLD: Data clean up and increase in SIMR